Self-Baptism: Personal Testimony

On Thu, Aug 30, at 3:23 PM, Roger wrote:

Hi Duncan,
Well, I baptized myself earlier today in my bath tub.
I am a part of Christ in His Body of baptized believers now.
Rejoicing over this event and I have made the right decision that I will never regret
as long as I live in the flesh on earth until the day I rest in the Lord and be raised
to life in even now as I will be raised to eternal life on the last day.
Thank you for supporting and encouraging me in Christ to make this decision and
to have followed through with it. Now, the real life begins to unfold a whole new
chapter in Jesus, by following Him as a true belever. Have a great Friday tomorrow.
Thank you, brother. May we discuss more of Christ and the Bible.

On 31/08/ 23:31, Roger wrote:
Hello Duncan,
I am so happy to be baptized and be a Christian now. Ever since I received my Bible from you and began reading it, I realized that I believe in all that it presents and I was able to be self-baptized, in knowing that it is valid. Also, I am reading the New Testament in Hebrew and in Yiddish. I read other translations of the Bible. Even the Catholic Bibles versions I have in hard copy seem to disprove the Trinity and denounce un-Biblical concepts.
Also, I have learned to not really keep much of any holidays, but I do feel that each and every day is sacred as well as the First Day of the Week, being a day of worship and breaking of bread with wine. Came to deny the concept of the Trinity, since it is un-Biblical and rather false of a belief since I came to believe in the Bible and real Christian way of living.
Read about the websites and that came with the Bible you sent me and they are very good and nice educational sites with lots of Biblical Christian information. It is really great to have made the covenant and to have baptized myself in Jesus for forgiveness of my sins. Thank you, brother.